16 Jan 2013
5.20 PM
I always trembling everytime thinking about this word.
and its not easy for not thinking about this word, since everytime people around me will always asking these question...
"Have you finish your college?"
"Have you graduate yet?"
"Have you working yet?"
and I can always see the look in their eye, in their face, everytime I mumble the answer, "No, not yet.."
Maybe is just what Im thinking, but, I always feel that people kinda judge me when they know Im not finish my college yet. Sometimes even they said it right in front of my face.
They will respond like this..
"Geez, not yet?"
or they even can be more harsh and respond like this.
"You haven't graduate yet? You like study that much, huh?"
What can I do to respond that kind of question?
I just put a little smile in my face, changing the topic with "so how's your life?" and push it behind my head.. Far.. Far away... Thanks God people love to talk about themself, so I can escape easily from that situation.
But its different if my own parents asking that question..
They also will ask you these question..
"What will you do after you graduate?"
"Dont just sit around there, even when you're not graduate yet, make yourself useful and do something."
or after you graduate, they will ask you this :
"You're not working yet? go get a job"
=_= and no, they will never stop until they got a really good answer.
Or until you get a job.
Its not like Im not think about my own future, you know, but when people keep asking that question, it add more stress to my head, and I just want to run...
Far far away from this life.
And I want to be left alone. Just so I don't need to think about all of that anymore.
Im pretty positive person, and on daily life, Im a happy go lucky person... But it doesn't mean that I never think or plan anything for my future or thinking about what I want to be in the future.
I have lots of thought and idea.
I want to work in PR.
I want to be a writer.
I want to be a blogger.
I want to be a pattisier.
I want to be a chocolatier.
I want to work in fashion industry,
I even want to be a MUA.
I have so many wants, but not many ways to get there.
and its also just show that I don't know what I REALLY want.
People who a bit sarcastic will say, "that just your excuse, there will be a way if you really want it, thou".
Yeah, that is my excuse, but excuse also comes with truth.
I am so clueless of my future (well, yeah, who's doesn't?)
Im feel like Im blind and I don't know who I am..
Im searching for my passion in my life but its no where around me.
To be the truth, yes, Im a lazy-ass-person. That is not a secret. Its a fact.
I also not so ambitious and a well organize people who already know what they want in their life.
Actually I just want to be chill, take my time, and let the time decide...
I want to pass through every circle of my life calmly..
"what will happen, will happen,"you know.. that kind of situation.
But people around me keep pushing me to do something meaningful.. They want me to get a job, earn money, do something brilliant. Argghhh, just make me headache..
I really hope that I know what I want rite now, so at least I can use Law of Attraction to help me...
Signing Off.
January 16, 2013
January 15, 2013
Little Update of My Life
15 Jan 2013
1.09 AM
Hellooo my dearest blog...
I dont touch you almost a month :l
Again, being naughty and lazy, not updating my own blog =_=a
What can I do? Its my holiday and I just want to spend days lazying in the couch watching TV.. :s
So, before I write a little update of my life, may I said a few congratulation words to.....
My own blog, Roundnoir,
is now 1 YEARS OLD.
1 years old already.
and my blog hasn't been famous. LOL.
But its quite achievement to myself, that I be able to.. well, keep writing in this one year (even I have lots of absent and not update it too often :s) LOL.. and its already have 915view of traffic in this blog, its quite good rite? :p
At least, there's people out there reading my blog.. LOL.
So, Happy Birthday Roundnoir..
I hope that I'll be able to be consistent updating you in the future. I will try...
I hope you will go big and famous one day.. LOL.
Next is, I want to say to all people who accidentally reading my blog right now, a....

YIPPII~~~!!! ;p
I know its late. LOL.
to make you feel better guys, here is a vain pic of me with christmas and new year decoration..
Made by myself.. ;p

What? I look good on the pic, so thats why I share it to you guys.. LOL.
Anyway, in December, there's a lot of birthdays coming... 4 of my friends are actually having their
birthday on December.
I don't know who to blame,
me, for choosing friends that all born in December with Sagitarius sign,
or them, for choosing to born in December together and be friends with me.
LOL, just a joke ;p
So first, on 12 December, we have Loudia & Christine Birthday!
Here's a sneak peak photos of their birthday celebration :D
1.09 AM
Hellooo my dearest blog...
I dont touch you almost a month :l
Again, being naughty and lazy, not updating my own blog =_=a
What can I do? Its my holiday and I just want to spend days lazying in the couch watching TV.. :s
So, before I write a little update of my life, may I said a few congratulation words to.....
My own blog, Roundnoir,
is now 1 YEARS OLD.
1 years old already.
and my blog hasn't been famous. LOL.
But its quite achievement to myself, that I be able to.. well, keep writing in this one year (even I have lots of absent and not update it too often :s) LOL.. and its already have 915view of traffic in this blog, its quite good rite? :p
At least, there's people out there reading my blog.. LOL.
So, Happy Birthday Roundnoir..
I hope that I'll be able to be consistent updating you in the future. I will try...
I hope you will go big and famous one day.. LOL.
Next is, I want to say to all people who accidentally reading my blog right now, a....
YIPPII~~~!!! ;p
I know its late. LOL.
to make you feel better guys, here is a vain pic of me with christmas and new year decoration..
Made by myself.. ;p
What? I look good on the pic, so thats why I share it to you guys.. LOL.
Anyway, in December, there's a lot of birthdays coming... 4 of my friends are actually having their
birthday on December.
I don't know who to blame,
me, for choosing friends that all born in December with Sagitarius sign,
or them, for choosing to born in December together and be friends with me.
LOL, just a joke ;p
So first, on 12 December, we have Loudia & Christine Birthday!
Here's a sneak peak photos of their birthday celebration :D
This is Loudia's Birthday cupcake that me & Olivia bought for her..
Too bad when we giving it to her, its quite broken... T_T but I hope she felt that we
really trying to make her happy on her birthday... ^^
Happy Birthday Loudia!!
L-R : Olivia-Loudia-Me
Here is the food she treat us.. Pasta from Nanny's Pavilion.. Quite yummy, but the bacon is too few..
Next is Christine, who's born on the same date as Loudia..
Happy Birthday, girl!! <3<3 ^^
Hope we will still being BF till forever :)
Here's our selfcam pic with Susi when celebrating her birthday.. ^^
L-R : Me-Christine-Susi
Next girl is Elisye, who's having a birthday on 19th December!
Happy Birthday Elis!! ^^ <3<3
BFF, key? :D
Pic of me & Elisye, having fun selfcam-ing on her birthday.. LOL.
I really satisfied with her treats, because when I go eat with her, we always end up
almost died because of satiety (FULLness).
No, we never holding back when we eat. LOL.
What's left now?
O yeah,
I'll showing off my newest pic to you guys, LOL, to whoever who hasn't seen my pic on
Instagram (follow me : mslizliz or lizakina).
I still amaze with the power of camera 360 & Iphone.
It can make me look good in every single way..
Whether when Im eating..
Or plain face without make-up...
It still manage to take a great pic of my face. LOL
(sounds so narcistic, but who cares? Its my own blog. ;p)
So, camera 360 manage to take a great picture when Im not in a good condition..
How is the result when I actually having a makeup on??
Its even more AWESOME!!! :D
I can't stop camwhore with this application, please!!
Why would I if it can make me look like this :
In one single shoot, without any needs to edit the photos again...!
HOORAAAYY Camera 360! ;p
Okay la, enough with my pic.. Here's some random picture to end today post :)
Yummy Chocolate Cake I recently discover.. So yumyum.. I want to eat it again soon! :D
Ofcourse, my favorite piece of chocolate. Ferero Rondnoir.
Still feels in heaven everytime I take a bite.
Love you, Rond! :D
and last but not least, some pic with David.. ^^
Till next post!
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