2.00 AM
Well, I think March is my lucky month, guys, because........
I've got my very first JOB!
YAYY ME! Finally, after struggling for a few month become jobless without nothing to do.. LOL..
And I also can start to work with my thesis.. This is a battle with me and myself.. I really hope I could finish it very very soon.. :s I need to keep the positive mind all the time for this..
I want to graduate so bad.. I want to make my family proud.. I want to make myself proud. Must do my very best...!!
As today.. I have some problem that makes me blame myself.. not because Im regret doing it.. But, just realize how stupid I am after that.. and the more I think the more I hate myself, so I decide to blog.. Writing is a great theraphy for me, because it can makes me relax and calmer.. :)
Anyway, I finally colouring my hair again.... by myself!!
I never ever done it by myself before..
Actually I was thinking to let my hair grow black again.. But I cannot stand the black on my root and scalf so, I decide to recolouring it again and I decide to do it by myself.. Too lazy to go to salon for that.. LOL..
So in here, I was using Freshlight Clear Ash by Schwarzkopf.. I just randomly and impulsively buying this without checking reviews online.. and after I have some research, the results is just so so.. But I already bought two boxes of this.. Must try it then...
Items in Schwarzkopf Freshlight Clear Ash
Here is the product I use with the items contain in the box..
You also can see how my black roots are growing.... so ugly..!
Even I heard a so-so review about this product (some of them is more negatively), after I try it, I quite happy with the result. The colouring doesn't makes my hair dry, the roots and the hair are coloured evenly too. Just one negative, it's not ash. Infact, my hair are no different with precious colour, which is light or medium brown...
Here's a better view of before after in my hair.. :)
I think despite the negative and positive result of product review, you should test anything by yourself, because sometimes what suit to other might not suits you and what suits you might not suits to other.. ^^
One day, my friend from kindergarden suddenly send me a pic when I still in.. well.. around 7 grade.. which is 11-12 years old.. and...
I look so so ugly in that pic! LOL...
Im so different than the old me.. and its kinda makes me proud that I change to be a better person than last...
Im happy that I might a worm before but now, I may said that I turn to be a butterfly. LOLOL
*too much self confident*
So here it is, my old pic combine with the new me.. :)
HAHAHAHA....!! So ugly rite.. My friends even said my lips are so big at that time, they accuse me doing a lip job. Wtf.
Its not a lip job.. When Im in elementary, I was a grumpy moody little lady. Its like me against the world.
I also have no self confident at that age, so I always pout. But now as I growing up, I become more positive and more confident day by day.. :) Im proud of what I became today, not only by face or appearance but also by how my character and traits improve. LOL..
Right now I was into a cute style, so here we go, have some pic of my cute style.. LOLOL..
Hahahaha... I love this style LOL. Makes me feel cute and girly :)
This Bowler Neko Hat is my favorite! I found it in bazaar on my campus and bought it immediately.. LOL..
Love the red colour too~!!
Remember, never end a post without post a pic of yourself. Quote by me. ;p