4.37 PM
Finally have some time to updating my blog..! :D
Anyway, the result of the Arwuda Blogging Contest is up for about a month ago..
And... I lose.. :( But Its okay! I totally will join the contest if they made it again.. :)
So today, I talk about the online game I usually played. In the past, I was so obsessed with
online game.. Especially, Audition.. For nearly 4 years, Im obsessed with the game andto be honest, it brings lots of negative things in my life. =_=" But finally I managed to take down the obsessed and even retired from the online games. But recently, I start playing a new online games called Showtime. This game is casual online game. Its allowed us to sing like in the Karaoke and still managed to chitchatting and socialize with friends.
I played a lot till in a time that I have a community friends and make a "family" or in other games called "clan" named TIWIC. It means "This Is Why Im Cute". LOL. Its basically not my ideas of the clan named. Coz TIWIC is owned by my friend, Stefanus (Lenna's BF) in other games as his clan name.. (The real means of TIWIC is This Is Why Im Cool). But when we're discussing about it, I want a catchy name and he keep telling me to use TIWIC, I think TIWIC sounds quite catchy. So, there it is, TIWIC was born in Showtime, and me as the president.. ;) (PS: my point is, credit of family names goes to Stefanus.. )
TIWIC logo's made by Wyne's BF (Wyne is one of my family member.. her boyfriend is awesome graphic design, you can view his design in http://www.maestrostyle.com/ in case you need it )
As time goes by, TIWIC family grow bigger and bigger.. It now have 90+ member.. And even now Im randomly online, coz been busy with assignments, Im happy that my family member goes along well.. :)
Some picture of our family member in the game..
My Character : Rondnoir. Very pretty rite? ;)
Anyway, just like other family, we start to get closed in real life too.. And thats why we held gathering, to met each other member in real life and get to know them in person..
At the first and second gath, is kinda failed.. Coz there's not a lot people come.. In fact, just a few of us... :( *sigh* Its really hard to get the time right, so all people can go..
First Gathering (From Left To Right) : Ken, Lucky, Bryan (the youngest member in our family), Eilyn, Olivia, & Me.
Second Gath (From Left To Right) : Lia, Me, Bryan, & Lucky. Ken also came, but just for a while, coz he has another appointment.
See how little who came? We dont know what to do, even we already spend time to chit chating and to know each other, if gathering just have these few people, Its no fun.
But when Lenna & Stefanus said they'll come to Jakarta on 13 Apr, Its time to make a bigger gath.. All Tiwicers also very excited..! Its our first time to really meet each other.. Finally on 14th April 2012, Here's the first real gath of TIWIC! :D Our scedule is to have dinner in Urban Kitchen (FoodCourt in Central Park) to have dinner and chit chatting with everyone.. Then, we moved to Limelight, family karaoke in Tanjung Duren to sing. Ofcourse need to go to karaoke, we all playing karaoke online games, rite.. :D
From Left : Lenna, Vinny, Vinny BF Andrew, Vei, Christy, Christini
From Right : Me, Wynne, Eilyn's Finger, Lucky
Clear View of People in the Right : Me, Wynne, Eilyn, Martin, Lucky
Here's a shot from other side so everyone can be seen clearer..
Two guys sitting at my back is Stefanus & Ken, while one guy sitting at Lenna's back, acting cute is Alvin. See how Stefanus & Ken amazed by Alvin's cute act? LOL.
Anyway, David is the photographer.. LOL.
Clear photos of Stefanus & Ken, who didnt get to photos before.. LOL.
Take a photo with Evania, who get here late, and just have a few times to met us..
From Left To Right : Eva, Me, Lenna, Eilyn, Christy, Christini & Vei. Wynne & Vinny are going to ATM & Carefour, so they cant take a photo.
Once more. ;D
At the Limelight, ready to singing. Take a last photo with Vinny & Andrew, because they going home first.
Left to Right : Me, Lenna, Eilyn, Christini, Wynne, Vei, Christy, Vinny, Andrew.
Grup Photos after done singing!
Left To Right (Above) : Lucky, Ken, David, Stefanus
Left To Right (Middle) : Lenna, Me, Vei, Christy, Eilyn, Christini (In front of me is Wyne).
Left To Right (Down) : Hardi (who arrived late) & Martin.
Its a super fun day...! Thankyou guys.. Hope can do it again later.. Hihihi... ^^
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