11.20 PM
Hi There! Hahahaha...
Anyway, after removing my chat box now, I dont know how many people visit my blog.. =_=.
People, Y U NO leave comment? Its UP there, near the title ma... :'[
Okay.. Forget about that..
Its HOLIDAY TIME and...............
Yippiiiyyy~~~~ :D :D
But because of holiday I turn into lazy person.. Haiiz... Sleep late, wake up late, only eating, reading novel, watching DVD or Cable TV.. I even only take a bath once now! LOL.. Okay lar, dont follow my lazy attitude.. I myself wants to change it but still hard.. As hard as go on diet. =_=;
BTW, now I start to practicing The Secret or Law of Attraction.. Law of Attraction is some.. secret about how to achieve lots of great things in our life! How to be success in your career, love, anything. You even can ask for something that you really want and you can get it. I actually know about it for a very long time already, because of watching the DVD.. But never really trusted it and never really understand about how it works..
3 of my fave blogger (as you can see from my previous post) prove it to me that
So now Im trying to use LOA to myself... I already write some of my wishes in my personal Diary and I'll let you know if it really came true or not! Works or not, I'll let you guys know, oke? But I believe its works. Actually I already have some prove that its really working, but I'll try to work it a little bit more.. :D For some people maybe still doesnt know about The Secret.. So, if you want to know about that then just go to XiaXue blog to read more about it.. *Click on her name* She already made a post about The Secret.. Just search on her blog, or, more efficiently, seach it on google.
As you can see in my previous post, I wrote about one of my favorite Blogger Cheesie, (go a head, visit her blog!!) about how I really admire her style and her style affect me now..
CHEESIE STYLE. *Grabbed from her blog*
THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE LOOK! much love! hahahaha.. :D
Cheesie also got her fashion affected from people too, at first, 2 of Japanese MUA come to Malaysia to help them hosting a gathering of Japanese Fashion, Foruchizu. Then, this 2 Japanese affect her style and after she affected and turn into Mode Style, she have new Idol or Icon name Ena Matsumoto.
Which is the producer of very famous Japanese Brand named EMODA.
I believe you already seen lots of EMODA google commercial through lots of website, since I found them almost in every website I visit last week. They placing advertisement because they newly launch their global webstore.
Reading Cheesie blog affect me so much till I also now admire Ena Matsumoto style and I want Emoda Stuff now!! FML, why so easily got affected? Hahahaa...
Actually I really love clothes and fashion for a really long time, but back when Im a teenager, I have no confidence. I always feel so fugly.. :-/ After I growing up.. not that I already confidence, but now I accepted how I look and I love being me! (even I dont mind to lose some weight and get more height though... LOL..)
Ena Matsumoto style, called Mode (Trend) in Japan is..
really simple actually..
She put some pretty basic stuff but still up to date to the lastest fashion.. Its because Mode IS Trend. You can see this kind of looks on LookBook. It is no different, but Japanese people makes it so stylish... I even cant describe this.. WTF..
Words that came up to my mind is only simple and stylish and effortlessly.. WTF.. =_=.
Okay, so you can see lots of trending fashion stuff on Mode, but they made it more basic, street style, and can wear it for everyday outfit so you can look effortlessly stylish with that basic stuff. *FIUH, much more better describe*
I better show you guys some of amazing Ena Matsumoto style.. Its hard for me to describe so you guys see it by yourself larr!! Okayy...? Hahahahaa.. I really want to know how she can be THAT stylish...!! I swear when I try to put her kind of style, its feel so.. ordinary.. NO STYLISH AT ALL!! =_=" I dont know is it because the blood? Because she is Japanese and Im Indonesian maybe? LOL.. Or maybe because she can coordinate or mix and match lots of item really well??
AAAHHHH~~~!! Envy...!!
Hahahaha... Hope who ever read my blog got affected too.. ;p
Okay, here we go!! Ena Matsumoto Style, grabbed from her Facebook. :)
Geddit what I mean?
Hope I can look like this in the future! LOL
met cheesie once.. she's friendly :)
ReplyDeletereally?? kyaaaa.. gimana ceritanya tu livv.. bisa ketemu?? hehehe...