10.10 PM
Hi There!!
It's been long time since my last post!! Hehehehee..
Sorry for being MIA, after back from Medan, I need to focus on my internship, which makes me tired everyday... :( I have my full rest at weekend, not going anywhere but just stay at home, watching TV, reading comics, etc. So yeah, now I finally energized and excited to start a new post!!
Before Im starting to talk about my love to shoes again, I'll updating some news about my life recently. :)
First, I dont win the BCA blog contest (again...) :'( soooo saaddd.... I really love the price!! Tee-hee.. But seriously, this kind of contest makes me eager to practice my writing! hehehe.. I won't stop here.. I'll keep join blog contest especially if the price is good enough... :) Wish me luck!
Second, last July is really full of wedding. Im so glad I attend my cousin's wedding in Medan. It makes me believe in LOVE again. There's LOVE in the world. There are people married because of LOVE. So never lose faith in LOVE, no matter what happens in your life. You'll find your happiness. :)
Anyway, I'll tell more about my internship, my cousin's wedding, and my trip to Medan in the future post, okay.. So now, back to Shoes! :D
Aren't they lovely?? hehehehee....
Actually I have 3 new shoes, but haven't take a pic of them... I will post more about them soon!!
They really pretty!!! Hehehehee.. I LOVE THEM ALL...!!!
Okay, now I sounds crazy and freaky... =_="
So do you have any clues about what kind of shoes I like?? Hehehehe...
I actually love any kind of shoes that looks cute in my feet. WTF. LOL.
I think, after looking at my collection, I actually prefer a shoes that simple, but have some simple details that makes them stunning in that point. Like a bit of studded, a bit of different colours in it, etc. But not too much details, or too much colour.. Hehehee...
I love shoes that can be see as a personality. I mean, when I see the shoes, I can imagine that this shoes will match if I wear this dress, or this top, to create this looks. For example, I pick a wedges, and I imagine....... "Hmm... This shoes will go perfectly with this kind of outfit. It can makes me look more feminime and cute... or I could match it with this kind of top, and I instantly looks more chic." LOL.
Emmmm... geddit? @_@
It's okay if you don't geddit. I know I hard to understand. LOL..
So thanks for keeping your time reading my useless post about my love to shoes.
Hope it makes you feel entertain.... :)
Seriously, I need to stop imagine that there's a bunch of people that actually read my post. LOLOL. ;) Kidding. Im happy if there's anyone who read it anyway.. :D
Seeya in another post..!!
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