1:56 AM
Today Im gonna share some of my 'Outfit of the Day' that I share on my Instagram..
To some of you that maybe already saw me on my Instagram, maybe you already seen it, but those
who doesn't, well, you welcome to see it here. LOL.
1. Romantic Brown
2. Yellowichi Blue (wtf, I dont even know why I end up with this title. LOL)
3. Preppy Creamosca (okay, its getting even weirder title. LOL)
4. Peachy New Year (My outfit on CNY)
5. Queen of Studs (yeah, rite.. -_-)
6. Black VS Pink
7. Saturday is LeoKittyDay
In here actually I wear long black tanktops and black short pants.. but its kinda looks like jumpsuit, eh??
Okay la, I will stop here. Before I end up with more weirder name for my outfit. LOL.
As you can see, I start to explore more of my fashion sense.. I do like Japanese Mode Style but I also
have lots of different style I like.. So, from now on, I will try to makes more coordinate everytime I going out.
I also don't want to waste my money to buy stuff that I never use.. So I'll try to use all my stuff even maybe some of them are too weird to wear outside in Jakarta. LOL.
Wish I live in Japan, where people will never stare so weirdly to me.
Don't worry, Im too thick skin enough for them to make me feel shy. LOL.
Owyeah, forgot to mention, I had a new haircut!! What do you think guys?? suit me or not??
Lots of people said they love my new hairstyle!! ^^
Until next post later!!
Follow my Instagram : @mslizliz or @lizakina
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